Black-fronted Parakeet (Cyanoramphus zealandicus)
Posted on 31 December, 1844 in Extinct
Year Last Seen:
This species was known from Tahiti, French Polynesia, but it has not been recorded since 1844 and is now Extinct. Possible causes include deforestation, hunting and predation by introduced species.
Like Raiatea Parakeet C. uleitanus, the species was presumably a forest bird (Forshaw and Cooper 1989).
Its demise could have resulted from habitat loss, hunting or predation by introduced species (Forshaw and Cooper 1989, Hume 2017).
Cyanoramphus zealandicus is known from Tahiti, French Polynesia, from three specimens (two of which are now in Liverpool and one in Tring, U. K.) collected on James Cook's voyage in 1773, a fourth collected by G. Amadis in 1842, now in Perpignan (France) and a fifth collected by M. J. de Marolles in 1844, now in Paris (France) (Voisin et al. 1995).