Broad-Billed Parrot (Lophopsittacus mauritianus)

Posted on 31 December, 1700 in Extinct

Year Last Seen:



This species is known from Mauritius, but has been driven Extinct by hunting pressure. The last records date from 1673-1675, and it was absent in 1693.


There is very little known, although it is likely to have been a forest species and its heavy bill indicates it specialised on large nuts.


Birds were large and were poor fliers, but not flightless (Holyoak 1971), and consequently heavily hunted (Cheke 1987) and this is likely to have caused its extinction.


Lophopsittacus mauritianus is known from numerous bones and travellers' reports and sketches from Mauritius (Cowles 1987). Hoffman, writing in 1680 based on observations in 1673-1675, gave the last definite reports of the species, and it had disappeared by 1693 (Cheke 1987).


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