Norfolk Island Kākā (Nestor productus)

Posted on 31 December, 1825 in Extinct

Year Last Seen:



This species was known from Norfolk and Phillip Island, but was likely Extinct by the mid 1800s. Habitat clearance and hunting are thought to have been the major drivers.


It inhabited rocks and treetops, and was seen feeding on blossoms.


It was reportedly tame, and hence heavily hunted for food by convicts and early settlers and easily trapped as a pet.


Nestor productus was endemic to Norfolk Island (to Australia) and adjacent Phillip Island, Australia. It became extinct in the wild in the mid-19th century on Norfolk Island, and possibly a little later on Phillip Island. The last known living bird was in captivity in London in 1851 (Garnett et al. 2011). At least seven specimens exist (Forshaw and Cooper 1989).


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